Category Archives: taiwan

For you, Indonesia-ku


Do I have Kalimantan blood?

A simple answer: no! ^^
I’m truly Javanese 🙂

Though my father did. He was born at Samarinda, the capital city of East Kalimantan province. and spent his childhood there for some years.
Even my brother did. He worked at Kalimantan for almost a year.

But, I didn’t. I have no idea about Kalimantan, I haven’t ever stepped my feet there.  I don’t have any experience yet information about this island.

Why I’m keep asking about Kalimantan blood in my soul? Because it related to the next matter I will give to you.

Kayau Dance!

Yeah, I one of those girls who were on stage dancing Kayau dance in Indonesian Cultural Exhibition 2011. None of us has experience in this dance before, but fortunately there were traditional expert dancers who came to Taipei practicing Mandarin. They taught us almost 2 months  intensively in every weekend.

For you, Indonesia-ku..